October 28, 2011

Animal Testing

The coming out of the closet experience that gay people go through, I myself went through that experience for the last three months. After two years I finally feel comfortable enough to let people know my coming out experience. Although I don't like the word, I am a vegetarian. There, I said it!

Yes I am comparing coming out and saying you are gay with saying you are vegetarian. You may think it is normal but it isn't. It is by far socially acceptable and people think you are weird. You do not have any support from family or friends. At least that has been my experience. I even once had a boyfriend who didn't want to introduce me to his father. He said his father would never allow his son to date a girl who doesn't eat meat, because you can't trust a person who doesn't eat meat.
Seriously people?!

I'm a vegetarian to a certain extent though. Don't get me wrong, I don't eat meat occasionally, I mean "to a certain extent" as in that I'm fully aware of animal by-products being used in daily artificials and household items. (soap, glue, paint etc.)
Products that are tested on animals I'm not so keen of either. I mean I do use some, I know I do, but I try to reduce it as much as possible. I love animals, but not to the point of embarrassment. I am low key. Hey, I just try to raise a little awareness here.

Using animal products in make-up and actual testing on animals is something different. Ingredients can still be tested on animals as the company has not tested it themselves but actually a manufacturer has 'for them'. If you can get it at a pharmacy store, you can almost guarantee it was tested on animals :(

Maybeline, L'Oréal, Rimmel DO test on animals.
KAO Cosmetics Corp. is the parental company of John Frieda which DO test on animals, however, John Frieda states it DOESN'T... tricky one!

Chanel, Dior, MAC, Clinique, Revlon...
None of them are animal test, however, none are vegan either, they all contain animal derivatives such as beeswax, lanolin, whey, charred bone, fat etc.

Shampoos is a tricky area as the foaming agent is, in many cases, still a lauryl sulphate and many companies have moved to ammonium lauryl sulphate etc. Cocopolyglucose is coconut oil that has been through one synthetic process but that is better than any of the sulphates etc. It's sad really. None of that crap needs to happen, the government needs to stop it, and the "average joe" needs to be educated. If they were, there would be a major uproar and change in power in the food/everything else industry. I'd love to see a major turn around. I'm just tired of every where I look there is crap, crap, and more crap that is in our lives in everything. Unfortunately we live in a world where powerful companies are allowed to use deceptive tactics to fool consumers into buying a product.

But I as a consumer shouldn't even have to worry about if a product is tested on animals or not. The COMPANIES should be the ones who do not test on animals in the first place. And the companies who don't test on animals such as MAC and CHANEL are fucking expensive. But it is worth it for me. I just safe up until I can buy a CHANEL lipstick or a MAC mascara. And then everyday when applying my make-up I can look in the mirror and be happy to see a human face.

So think about it, people, and don't go off the deep end. Just practice reasonable precautions. Educate yourself and be aware of what you are buying.
There ARE other alternatives!

Here is a link to visualize it for you! (4:42 min video, please watch it)


I love my face to be occasionally plastered in thick layers of make-up, but I hereby pledge to be cruelty-free! Male or female, Please pledge with me!

For iPhone users, download the app: Be nice to Bunnies

Thank you for reading this article.
Love. Peace. & Happiness.
Niky Adryana

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