December 26, 2011

Jet black is the new black

In daily life I can often be seen in black.
When you open my closet one may think it is a wholesale outlet store for funerals. My natural choice for black is very understandable. Black is not boring or a dull color. Black provides a lady a chic and sexy appearance. I love that when I get up and look in my closet all my jeans fit all my shirts, and that each dress fits every shoe.Black is black and all black clothes match perfectly together.
Well, you see, there you're wrong, utterly and completely wrong! You may think oh easy if all your clothes are black than you can throw on whatever you like, it all matches anyhow. They simply do not! This is harder then it sounds. A black top doesn't necessarily match with those black skinny jeans. And that shirt has a completely different structure than the blouse I want to wear on top of it. And that fabric doesn't go with the print of that skirt.

The word black comes from Old English blæc ("black, dark", also, "ink")
Black supplanted the wonted Old English word sweart ("black, dark"), which survives as swart, swarth, and swarthy (compare German schwarz and Dutch zwart, "black").

Why do people wear black?
In Western fashion, black is considered stylish, sexy, elegant and powerful. It is also associated with the modern goth and punk subcultures who dress predominantly in black. But they are not the only ones many other groups of people wear black as well. What about academics? The graduates wear black robes. Black is also worn by priests, monks and nuns. Lawyers and judges often wear black. And many musicians of classical music dress in black for a concert or recital. Black tuxedos are worn at formal occasions known as black tie functions. Bad cowboys wear black hats, good cowboys wear white hats. Evil witches are stereotypically dressed in black, because a black-hearted person is mean and unloving. While good fairies are dressed in white, because they are loving and kind.

Opposed to white magic, black magic is an evil form of magic, often connected with death. Therefor, black is a symbol of mourning and bereavement in Western societies, especially at funerals and memorial services. In some traditional societies (e.g. Greece and Italy) widows wear black for the rest of their lives.
In contrast, across much of Africa and parts of Asia that are influenced by Buddhism, white is a color that traditionally symbolizes death and mourning and is worn during funerals. Direct descendants of the deceased typically wear white.
While the Western society associates black with death and evil. The Maasai tribes of Kenya and Tanzania associate the color black with rain clouds, a symbol of life and prosperity. The Native Americans associate black with the life-giving soil. And in the Japanese culture, kuro (black) is a symbol of nobility, age, and experience, as opposed to shiro (white), which symbolizes serfdom, youth, and naiveté.

Is black even a color?
Officially black is not even a color, but philosophically I'd say yes. Black is not a color and rather a base or a tone, but in practice it can be considered a color. Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. They absorb all such frequencies of light. Black is just an absence of light (color) and if it were a mixture of all colors it would actually be white. Black is just a high density of another color, usually green or brown. It is hueless. There are all types of black. For instance, onyx black has a lot of brown in it. Black by itself is generally kind of flat. An old graphics trick is that if you want a "rich" black you add 15-20% Cyan to it. Just enough to punch it up without making it appear blue-black.

There are different shades of black:
Black, jet black, carbon black, charcoal black, ebony, ivory black, onyx, chromatic black, mars black, black spinel and more. And painters may specify flat black, a glossy, rich or warm black, and others. Including Van Dyke Brown. Wait, what? Van Dyke Brown... isn't that, like, brown? No, it is actually a kind of bone black.

From a painter's perspective; Few painters actually prefer carbon blacks to depict black. By blending a deep blue with a deep brown you can get a far more interesting darkness in your painting. Why? Because our eyes perceive color based on the way particles (pigments or dyes) reflect light, therefor you'll get more interesting particles reflecting in a combination to make it look black, not simply charred carbon.
We call many things black because we cannot detect the nuances of other colors, but they are often there. So yes you can talk about shades of black. But what you're really talking about is black with tinges of blue, red, yellow, brown, purple, etc.

And all the above in combination with 100% cotton, wool, nylon, silk, polyester, woven or knitted fabric, stretch, linen, acrylic, shiny fabrics, patterned, uni, striped, velvet, viscose...... gives you a massive task to match it all together to a somewhat "blackish" outfit.
So, as a conclusion, black is a color not to be taken lightly! It has an aura of mystery and for most modern people highly sexual! I just like to wear black because it is convenient as well as classy and elegant. Because I am into the Gothic thing. Because I am in a mourning state of mind and because I like to drink tea!

And didn't the Stones sang you should paint it all black anyway?

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