October 20, 2011


Hello all your gorgeous people! Follow me in my majestic daily life.
This is a blog with stories. It can either be fiction, non-fiction or my own truth. Some call it creative writing and some journaling. It is just how you interpret them. I will start with a little introduction, shall I?

Niky Adryana, a 26 year old from somewhere in the universe. Well, Rotterdam, to be more precise. She's a lovely quiet girl who is really good looking with make-up and not so good looking without. Basically just like everyone else. Although she might describe herself as viciously scheming, bitter, vigorous & cold, in fact she is a kind-hearted, simple, creative and sincere girl. But then again, it is just how you interpret things. There are no hidden layers attached. If you must know, here are a few ingredients which define her.

RECIPY FOR NIKY: A little darker, a little heavier.
Start with a melody, than add another layer of sound and some low tones. Blend it with some bright colours and put in some shadowing in paler shades. Mix it and when it starts to escalates into other things add another guitar to make it more pure, more organic. When it is all proper mixed and edited, you have this song full with colours and emotions. 

Add some glitters, dreams & love and you have her.

Okay, that's enough talking about myself in the third person!
Just like everybody else, I need to get certain things out of my mind, out of my heart. A blog is the cheap version of a psychiatrist and I simply have a passion for writing.
I believe it's also a fantastic platform to practice my writing skills and brush up my English skills. Because I am not a native English speaker, I'm Dutch. Hopefully with this blog native English speakers can give me advice to improve my skills so that I can explore new directions. Offering me spiritual and personal growth.

I am trying to get from basic skills to advanced-level work in a variety of areas. And who knows, my stories might get published one day as a novel! A girl can dream, can I not?

Love, Peace & Happiness
Niky Adryana

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